Virtual Fair with UAS – Research in Germany, 14 Oct 2021

We are currently promoting our “Research in Germany” virtual fair with universities of applied sciences, which takes place on Oct. 14th, 2021, and would like to inform students and young researchers about PhD positions, research career and funding opportunities in Germany. The event is open to anyone interested in conducting applied research in Germany; it is free of charge and will be held in English.

We would be grateful if you could forward the text below to all interested departments and candidates and/or disseminate the information throughout your institution.

Interested in applied research in Germany? Join us at our virtual career fair with universities of applied sciences (UAS) on 14 October 2021. Find out what makes the UAS so unique and what they have to offer for you! For more details and to register, visit:

Please also find attached a picture that could be posted on your website, information board and/or newsletter and connected with this website.





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