Позив студентима докторских студија да се пријаве за једномесечни истраживачки боравак

Call for Application
Leonhard-Euler-Programme 2022-2023

The Leonhard-Euler-Program of the German Academic Exchange Service with funds of the German Foreign Office goes into its next round in 2022-2023. For this purpose, the Europa-Institut of Saarland University wants to apply for several scholarship so that we are able to award a 1-month scholarship.

The Leonhard-Euler-Program promotes the implementation of joint binational research projects in order to contribute to the retention of young university teachers (e.g. during the doctoral phase) at their respective home universities. The supervision of young researchers from Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia is carried out jointly by foreign and German university teachers, taking advantage of existing good professional relations in one (or more neighboring) discipline(s) between the German university and the foreign university.

We plan to apply to this project. For this we must already have identified the possible scholarship holders.

At the heart of the Leonhard-Euler-Program is an one-month research stay to the Europa-Institut in conjunction with an on-site scholarship support (“Sur-Place”). In addition to the qualification of young scientists, this program is intended to increasingly promote young scientists for cooperation between different chairs of the participating universities. Furthermore, the program is intended to help counteract the “brain drain” of qualified young scientists.

The program starts in September 2022 and ends in August 2023. The Europa-Institut offers one-month research stays, including sur-place support, plus the mobility lump sums for each country:

Local scholarship1200 Euro
Sur-Place scholarship150 Euro
Albania525 Euro
Bosnia and Herzegovina475 Euro
North Macedonia500 Euro
Serbia300 Euro

Please note the following restrictions:

  • The scholarships within this program can be only granted when we receive funding by the DAAD which depends on a positive proposal evaluation.
  • PhD candidates have to be in the last stage of their PhD project (last year of writing a PhD thesis).
  • Applicants who have already received funding are excluded from further applications.
  • Research projects should deal with European or International Law.

In order for PhD students to apply they would need to submit the following documents to see-eu-cluster@europainstitut.de:

  1. Signed confirmation with the preferred month of the Research Stay at the Europa-Institut marked with a cross. (Page 3)
  2. CV (please use the attached DAAD template)
  3. Transcript of records
  4. Recent certificates
  5. Letter of recommendation by the supervising professor
  6. Proof of enrolment in PhD studies
  7. Research abstract (max. 5 pages) with the name of the supervising professor
  8. List of publications

In case the official documents cannot be provided in English, please send also a translation. No official attestation is needed.

The deadline for sending the documents is latest the1st of December 2021 at 23:59 CET since we need to prepare the proposal to the DAAD. The application should be sent to see-eu-cluster@europainstitut.de with subject: Leonhard-Euler-Programme 2022-2023 Application-Last Name, First Name.

Please share this info with interested excellent Phd candidates or other PhD supervisors. We kindly ask you to suggest this call only to extraordinary candidates.


If you require further assistance or information, please contact the

SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law

c/o Europa-Institut, Saarland University

D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

T +49 681 302-6664 or +49 681 302-6658

F +49 681 302-6640

E see-eu-cluster@europainstitut.de 

I www.see-eu-cluster.eu 

Позив са пријавом






Број 76 Јул/ Децембар 2024
