Arhiva: 14/07/2022

Konkurs za nagradu “dr Stefan Andonović”

Institut za uporedno pravo u Beogradu i Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu raspisuju konkurs za najbolji naučni rad mladih istraživača/ca, studenata/inja doktorskih studija i doktora/ki nauka, na temu:„Pravni izazovi digitalnog doba – pogled u budućnost“Tri najbolja rada po oceni stručnog žirija (čiji će članovi biti profesori pravnih fakulteta i naučnici...

Scholarship Deadline Approach 5 May, 2022, IPD Summer Programs

_Summer Programs 2022_On behalf of Institute for Peace & Dialogue, we would like to inform youabout the next Summer Programs in Basel, Switzerland.Applicants can choose between the 13th Summer Academy and the 3-MonthResearch Program which may be combined with the 13th Summer Academyparticipation depending on the applicants` desire and filledapplication.Participants...
