Call for papers: International Conference on Humanism and Ecological Transition

The European Association of Free Faculties (AEFLib), the Catholic University of Avila (UCAV), the Institute of Comparative Philosophy (IPC), the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies (ICES), the Catholic Institute of Rennes (ICR) Universitat Abat Oliba CEU and the Katholische Hochschule ITI (ITI) invite the world community to the International Conference on Humanism and Ecological Transition to be held on 21-22 October 2022 in Ávila (Spain), both in person and virtual.

The objective of the Conference is to reflect on how to face the challenge of ecology without forgetting the place of the human being.

The Conference is focused around 5 themes and topics that seek to bring together the different dimensions of the challenge of an ecological transition centered on the person: philosophy-theology, law, education-psychology, science and economics.

There are two ways to participate in the Conference:

Attendance and presentation of a research paper (registration fee 60€):

Access to the Conference and participation in the discussion.

After review and selection by the Scientific Committee, the best texts presented at the Conference may be published by Comares (Q1 Ranking General SPI).

The papers that were not selected by the Scientific Committee, may be published by the Catholic University of Avila with ISBN.

Certificate of participation

General attendance (registration fee 30€):

Access to the Conference and participation in the discussion.

Certificate of participation

We invite all researchers from all over the world to participate in the Conference and to submit your proposal before 30 July 2022 according to the themes and topics mentioned above.

For more information and registration, please visit

International Conference on Humanism and Ecological Transition





Број 76 Јул/ Децембар 2024
