Call for Application Leonhard-Euler-Programme 2024-2025

Our colleagues from Europa Institut have shared the information on the potential for one month research stays for young experts within the Leonhard-Euler-Programme for 2024-2025 for which they will apply in the upcoming period. As per programme requirements the applicants should have already made a selection of the experts which will be awarded a research stay prior applying.

The research stays if awarded will be conducted in the period from September 2024 to August 2025 at the Europa Institut, Saarland University, in Germany.

This programme will be once again available to the young experts coming from the SEELS Network as well and in that sense we were asked to disseminate this Call within our network among the interested PhD students. The requirements for application are as follows:
·         PhD candidates have to be in the last stage of their PhD project (last year of writing a PhD thesis)
·         Research projects should deal with European or International Law
·         Applicants who have already received funding are excluded from further applications.
·         The scholarships within this program can be only granted when we receive funding by the DAAD which depends on a positive proposal evaluation.

We would therefore kindly ask you to share this Call to your respective
websites and social media using the materials enclosed in this mail.
Please also feel free to contact directly the potential candidates from
your faculties which can benefit from such a research stay.

All the details for the Call are listed in the documents enclosed and
under the link in the message we are forwarding bellow or here

Deadline for application is 10 of December 2023.

We thank you in advance for your engagement and effort. Should you have
any additional questions please let us know.

Kind regards;

Tamara Bushtreska

Program Coordinator

Centre for SEELS

Call for participants

LEP 2024-2025 CV

Poster 2024-2025





Број 76 Јул/ Децембар 2024
