Fellowship opportunity for graduates from Serbia – Rondine

Dear Madam, Sir,

I am Valentina Brocchi, Head of the International Relations Office at Rondine Cittadella della Pace, Italy. I am reaching out to you to share the call for participants for the 2024-2025 World House program, a unique experience for young change-makers in Italy (fully funded fellowship).

Rondine is an NGO committed to promoting education, social change, and dialogue. It works with youth, mainly from conflict and post-conflict areas (Middle East, Balkans, Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South America), and has developed an original training program and Method for conflict transformation.

The call is open to graduates (or students earning their Bachelor’s degree by July 2024), aged 21-28, and engaged in civil society. Selected participants will spend 18 months in a challenging international campus in Tuscany working on conflict transformation, and community engagement, combining innovative education with a master (M1) in Italian universities. For those interested in implementing a social impact project, Rondine offers an additional 6-month training for project design at the end of the World House program.

The deadline is April 28, 2024. You can find all the information at https://callforparticipants.rondine.org/

I have attached the call for participants. Hoping to be helpful, we provide some pictures to circulate the information via social media or other channels.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Valentina Brocchi





Број 76 Јул/ Децембар 2024
