2nd International Scientific Conference “Real estate in the face of tax challenges”

Dear Sirs,

on behalf of Dr Anna Dalkowska – a judge at the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland and the editor-in-chief of the quarterly “Nieruchomości@”, I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Scientific Conference “Real estate in the face of tax challenges” organized by the Scientific Council and the Editorial Board of the quarterly Nieruchomości@, published by the Ministry of Justice.

The organizers of the conference were inspired by a number of controversial issues and differences in jurisprudence, concerning the treatment of real estate in terms of taxation, both in terms of property taxation and direct and indirect taxation in the national and EU perspective, including criminal law issues.

The event is addressed to all representatives of legal sciences and practitioners related to different areas of the real estate market in terms of taxation issues.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

Please see below for details of the conference:


Registration form: https://forms.office.com/r/7syuSy41CS

I kindly ask you to send an invitation to people interested in both
active and passive participation in the conference.

Yours faithfully

Magdalena Woźniak
Wydział Analiz Legislacyjnych i Organizacji
Departament Prawa Europejskiego





Број 76 Јул/ Децембар 2024
