Young Researchers positions at the University of Ljubljana

The University of Ljubljana is looking for motivated young researchers to join our university under the supervision of renowned mentors.

We offer more than 100 funded Ph.D. positions that provide full salary and benefits for Ph.D. students. With 22 Ph.D. degree programmes and more than 2.200 Ph.D. students, the University of Ljubljana is the largest research institution in Slovenia. Our Young Researchers positions are fully funded, and we provide the students with a challenging training environment, world-class research facilities, a collaborative environment, working in the international community, excellent career opportunities, and a clear mentoring system.

Ljubljana offers not only a highly recognized research area but also enjoys an excellent reputation of being among the top 10 safest countries. With a Master’s degree (the study programme, with which you enroll in a doctoral degree programme) and excellent English skills candidates are welcome to apply to Young Researcher positions.
