Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (PIC) invites you to an international event titled ”For Whom the Bell Tolls: Climate Rights and Litigation” that will comprise several internationally recognised experts in law and climate change. It will address aspects of climate rights and obligations of states and corporations concerning the climate. You will hear more about litigation cases, in which courts decide on the liability of states and corporations for their activities that impact climate change and adaptation capacity.
The event is free as it comprises part of the DACE project that is financed by the EU. It will take place on the 24th of April, between 10:00 CET and 14:30 CET. The event will be held in English and will take place online (Zoom).
The event will comprise several prominent speakers:
- Dr David R. Boyd, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment – Human rights-based approaches to tackling the climate crisis
- Prof Stephen Humphreys, Law School, London School of Economics – Some human rights dimensions of global climate policy
- Prof Vasilka Sancin, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana – Climate Rights in the Decisions of the United Nations Human Rights Committee
- Dr Andreas Geiges in Dr Luzie Helfmann, Climate Analytics and Climate Action Tracker – Fair Share Contribution of States to Climate Goals in the Paris Agreement
- Dr Samuel Ruiz-Tagle, Centre for Climate Engagement, University of Cambridge – Climate Change in Planning Law
- Kertu Birgit Anton, Estonian Environmental Law Center – Climate Case Fridays for Future Estonia v Narva-Jõesuu (shale oil plant)
- Luka Štrubelj, PIC – Legal Responsibility of Corporations for Climate Change
The programme in English is available here ->
The registrations are mandatory. The registration form is available here ->