Call for Papers: „1943 in the destinies of Slavic and Balkan peoples“ (St. Petersburg State University, applications until January 20)

On February 21, 2023, the Slavic and Balkan States History Department of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University is holding a round table „1943 in the destinies of Slavic and Balkan peoples“, which is designed to unite scientists studying the history of Central and Eastern Europe.

The beginning of 1943 was marked by a number of crucial events that had a significant impact on world history:
– The end of the Battle of Stalingrad, which marked a turning point during the Second World War;
– the Battle of the Neretva, which demonstrated the strengh and independence of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and consolidated Yugoslavian peoples around the partisans and J.B. Tito;
– a series of punitive anti-partisan operations on the territory of Belarus and Ukraine and the interethnic tragedy in Volhynia, which raised the question of crimes against civilians and humanity, justice and the prosecution of war criminals.

1943 was a turning point during the Second World War, the year that determined the post-war future of the region of Central and Eastern Europe. It turned out to be a period of significant victories and terrible tragedies, a time when peoples began to reassess their participation in the war and ended with the Kharkov trial of Nazi war criminals (December 15-18, 1943) – the prologue of the international tribunal in Nuremberg.

Within the framework of the round table, analyzing the events and experience of 1943, it is supposed to discuss the following topics:
• The military-political significance of the events of 1943 in the destinies of the Slavic and Balkan peoples
• No statute of limitations: war crimes against humanity
• Commemorative practices of the 20th–21st centuries.
• Military events in art

Working languages: Russian and English

Applications are accepted until January 20, 2023. The application must contain the last name, first name, patronymic, affiliation, topic of the report, abstract (150-250 words), the intended format of participation (full-time / remote). Contact person: Natalia V. Turygina,

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select applications. Participants will be notified of the status (acceptance or rejection) of their application no later than January 31, 2023.

The round table is planned in a mixed format, with the connection of remote participants via Zoom.

? Location: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5, room 65
? Date: February 21, 2023

We’d like to invite any of your scientists interested in the field to take part in the round table.


Priglašaem vas prinяtь učastie v rabote kruglogo stola «1943 god v sudьbah slavяnskih i balkanskih narodov», kotorый provodit kafedra istorii slavяnskih i balkanskih stran Instituta istorii SPbGU 21 fevralя 2023 g.

Načalo 1943 goda otmečeno celыm rяdom znakovыh sobыtiй, okazavših značitelьnoe vliяnie na mirovuю istoriю:
– Zaveršenie Stalingradskoй bitvы, oznamenovavšee korennoй perelom v hode Vtoroй mirovoй voйnы;
– bitva na Neretve, prodemonstrirovavšaя silu i samostoяtelьnostь Nacionalьno-osvoboditelьnoй armii Юgoslavii i ukrepivšaя položenie partizan i Й.B.Tito;
– seriя karatelьnыh antipartizanskih operaciй na territorii Belorussii i Ukrainы i mežnacionalьnaя tragediя na Volыni, postavivšie vopros o prestupleniяh protiv mirnogo naseleniя i čelovečnosti, pravosudii i presledovanii voennыh prestupnikov.

1943 god stal perelomnыm v hode Vtoroй mirovoй voйnы, godom, opredelivšim poslevoennoe buduщee regiona Centralьnoй i Vostočnoй Evropы. On okazalsя periodom značimыh pobed i žutkih tragediй, vremenem načala pereocenki narodami svoego učastiя v voйne i zaveršilsя provedeniem Harьkovskogo sudebnogo processa nad nacistskimi voennыmi prestupnikami (15–18 dekabrя 1943 g.) – prologom meždunarodnogo tribunala v Nюrnberge.

V ramkah kruglogo stola predpolagaetsя, analiziruя sobыtiя i opыt 1943 goda, obsuditь sleduющie temы:
• Voenno-političeskoe značenie sobыtiй 1943 goda v sudьbah slavяnskih i balkanskih narodov
• Bez sroka davnosti: voennыe prestupleniя protiv čelovečnosti
• Kommemorativnыe praktiki HH–HHI vv.
• Voennыe sobыtiя v iskusstve

Rabočie яzыki: russkiй i angliйskiй

Priem zaяvok do 20 яnvarя 2023 g. Zaяvka dolžna soderžatь familiю, imя, otčestvo, affiliaciю, temu doklada, annotaciю (150–250 slov), predpolagaemый format učastiя (očnый/distancionnый). Kontaktnoe lico: Turыgina Natalья Valerьevna,

Orgkomitet ostavlяet za soboй pravo otbora zaяvok. Učastniki budut uvedomlenы o statuse (prinяtii ili otklonenii) ih zaяvki ne pozdnee 31 яnvarя 2023 g.

Kruglый stol planiruetsя v smešannom formate, s podklюčeniem distancionnыh učastnikov čerez Zoom.

? Mesto: SPbGU, g. Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaя liniя, d.5, aud. 65
? Data: 21 fevralя 2023 g.

Budem priznatelьnы za rasprostranenie informacii o kruglom stole!
