Invitation to take part in the 4th All-Russian (national) scientific and practical conference with international aspect “Current Issues of Security and Customs: New Challenges and Prospects”

North-West Institute of Management is glad to invite you, your colleagues and professors to take part in the 4th All-Russian (national) scientific and practical conference with international aspect “Current Issues of Security and Customs: New Challenges and Prospects”.
The purpose of the Conference is to exchange ideas, opinions, and experience on current issues of ensuring security and the activities of customs authorities facing the new challenges, to discuss directions and prospects for development.
The organizers of the Conference are the Faculty of Security and Customs, the Department of Customs Administration, the Department of Security, and the Department of Scientific Work in NWIM RANEPA.

We invite for participation the experts in the field of customs affairs, foreign trade activities, economic, information and national security, scientists, academicians, graduate students, representatives of business structures, executive and legislative authorities at various levels, state control and supervisory authorities, foreign specialists in the field of customs affairs.
The maximum number of participants in the conference: 2
Working language: Russian, English.
Form of the participation: online.
Participation fee: free of charge.
Conference panels topics

In the context of the ongoing large-scale sanctions policy against Russia, building and expanding partnerships with friendly countries is currently a core issue, ensuring the development of international trade in the context of the priority tasks of increasing economic and national security.
Customs regulation instruments should be used optimally on the one hand, acting as a regulator of compliance with customs legislation, on the other hand, through the use of new technologies that will create favorable conditions for conducting foreign economic activity in modern conditions.
Structure of the conference:
Plenary session.

Panel 1. “Current issues in the development of foreign economic activity in the context of new challenges and threats”.

Panel 2. “Current problems of ensuring economic and national security under the
modern conditions”. 
Conditions for participation in the Conference:
To participate in the Conference, authors of the reports have to send an e-mail to with the subject “Conference” (if the subject is not specified, the mail will be automatically sent to the SPAM)
– article text (full name_article_city)
– information about the author (file is attached below)
Conference materials are accepted until February 05, 2025 in accordance with the requirements given in this letter. Some of the articles can be published based on the results of the Conference.

Requirements for conference materials formatting

information about the author





Број 76 Јул/ Децембар 2024
