dr Dragica Vujadinović, redovni profesor

Zamenik šefa Katedre za teoriju, sociologiju i filozofiju prava

kabinet 208 (vidi na mapi zgrade)
011 3027 634

Prijem studenata (konsultacije)*:

*samo u nedeljama u kojima se održava nastava

Konsultacije se održavaju u kabinetu


Zakazivanje održavanja konsultacija se vrši putem elektronske pošte u dogovoru sa studentima.


Osnovne studijeRodno pravo
Političke i pravne teorije

Akademska karijera

Stručna i naučna usavršavanja

Poznavanje stranih jezika



  1. D. Vujadinović, Budimpeštanska škola – Teorija radikalnih potreba (The Budapest School -Theory of Radical Needs) , „Univerzitetska riječ“, Nikšić 1988.
  2. D. Vujadinović, Političke i pravne teorije (Political and Legal Theories), Pravni fakultet u Beogradu, Beograd 1996.
  3. D. Vujadinović, L. Veljak, V. Goati, V. Pavićević (ur.), Između autoritarizma i demokratije: Srbija, Crna Gora, Hrvatska – Institucionalni okvir, CEDET, Beograd 2002.
  4. D. Vujadinović, L. Veljak, V. Goati, V. Pavićević (eds), Between Authoritarianism and Democracy: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia – Institutional Framework, CEDET, Belgrade 2003.
  5. D. Vujadinović, L. Veljak, V. Goati, V. Pavićević (ur), Između autoritarizma i demokratije: Srbija, Crna Gora, Hrvatska – Civilno društvo i politička kultura, CEDET, Beograd 2004.
  6. D. Vujadinović, L. Veljak, V. Goati, V. Pavićević (eds), Between Authoritarianism and Democracy: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia – Civil Society and Political Culture , CEDET, Belgrade 2005.
  7. D. Vujadinović, Politička filozofija Ronalda Dvorkina (Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin), Pravni fakultet u Beogradu/ Službeni glasnik, 2006.
  8. D. Vujadinović, V. Goati ur. Između autoritarizma i demokratije, Knjiga III -. Nacionalni i državni interes moderne Srbije, CEDET i FES, Beograd 2007.
  9. D. Vujadinović, V. Goati (eds), Between Authoritarianism and Democracy: Serbia at the Political Crossroads , CEDET&FES, Belgrade 2009.
  10. D. Vujadinović, Civilno društvo i političke institucije(Civil Society and Political Institutions), Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2009.
  11. D. Vujadinović, Civil Society in Contemporary Context , Faculty of Law, Belgrade2009. 12. D. Vujadinović, Democracy and Human Rights in the EU (co-authored with M. Jovanović and R. Etinski), Maribor/Belgrade 2009.
  12. D. Vujadinović, Serbia in the Maelstrom of Political Changes, Faculty of Law, Belgrade 2009.
  13. M. Jovanović and D. Vujadinović (eds.), Identiy, Political and Human Rights Culture as Prerequisities of Constitutional Democracy, Eleven International Publishing, Hague, Netherlands, 2013.
  14. D. Vujadinović i V. Stanimirović, Studije roda, Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2017 (Rev. 2019)
  15. H. Brunkhorst, D. Vujadinovic and T. Marinkovic (eds.), European Democracy in Crisis: Polities under Challenge and Social Movements , Eleven International Publishing, Hague, Netherlands, 2018.
  16. D. Vujadinović i Z. Antonijević (ur.), Rodna ravnopravnost u visokom obrazovanju: pojmovi, prakse i izazovi, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad 2019.
  17. D. Vujadinović, Lj. Kovačević, T. Marinković, I. Krstić, M. Davinić, Achieving Gender Equality at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law: Research and Policy Study, Belgrade 2020.
  18. D. Vujadinović, M. Froechlich, Th. Giegerich (eds.), Gender Competent Legal Knowledge, Springer 2023. Springer 2023.
  19. Co-editor with Lj. Kovačević and M. Evola, Intersectional Discrimination of Women and Girls with Disabilities and Means of Their Empowerement (Ukrštena diskriminacija žena i devojčica sa invaliditetom i instrumenti za njihovo osnaživanje), Pravni fakultet, 2022.
  20. D. Vujadinović, A. Alvarez de Cuvillo, S. Strand (eds.) Feminist Approaches to Law – Theoretical and Historical Insights, Springer 2023. (within Springer book series FEMINIST APPROACHES TO LAW, co-edited by D. Vujadinović and I. Krstić)
  21. F. Macioce, D. Vujadinovic, Z. Saeidzadeh (eds.), Feminist Legal and Political Practices – Interplay of Gender, Intersectionality and Diversity, Springer book series (in the process).
  22. Book – D. Vujadinovic, A. Zilli, I. Banerjee-Dube (eds.), Gender and Power – Legal and Political Intersectional Perspective in the Global Context (in the process).
  23. Co-editor with Ivana Krstić of the Springer book series GENDER PERSPECTIVES IN LAW, with already published following books: M. Davinić and S. Kostić (eds.) Gender-Competent Public Law and Policies, Springer 2022; I. Krstić, M. Evola, M. I. Ribes Moreno (eds.), Legal Issues of International Law from a Gender Perspective, Springer 2023; G. Carapezza Figlia, Lj. Kovačević, E. Kristoffersson (eds.), Gender Perspectives in Private Law, Springer 2023.

The books that are going to be published in this book series: N. Lacey, B. Spaić, M. Jovanović (eds.), Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories (in print); Book – S. Baer, I. Krstić, I. Jelić (eds.), Gender and the Judiciary, book I (in print); Book – E. Brodeala, I. Jelić, S. Suteu, Gender and the Judiciary, book II (in print); Book – M. Lou O’Neil, B. Radulović (eds.): A Path Towards Gender-Sensitive Policy: From Gender Equality Plans to Gender Responsive Budgets (in print)


  1. D. Vujadinović, „Legal State, Civil Society and Civil Protests in Serbia“ 1996/97, in: N. Ćuk and M. Podunavac (eds.), Civil Society in the Countries in Transition – Comparative Analysis , Subotica 1998.
  2. D. Vujadinović, „Obstacles and Perspectives of Civil Society Development in Serbia/FR Yugoslavia“, Revolution and Order – On Dynamics of Changes in Serbia, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd 2003.
  3. D. Vujadinović, „The Concept of Civil Society in the Contemporary Context“, in D. Vujadinovic et..al, Between Authoritarianism and Democracy: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia – Civil Society and Political Culture , CEDET, Belgrade 2005.
  4. D. Vujadinović, „What is the Rational National and State Interest of Contemporary Serbia? „, in: D. Vujadinović and V. Goati eds. Between Authoritarianism and Democracy – Serbia at the Political Crossroads , 2009.
  5. D. Vujadinović, „European Civil Society“, in: Jovanovic, M., Vujadinovic, D. and Etinski, R., Democracy and Human Rights in the European Union, Belgrade/Maribor 2009.
  6. D. Vujadinović, „Constitutional Democracy as the Normative Model for Transitional Countries of Post-Communism“, www.juridicas.unam.mx/wccl , 2010.
  7. D. Vujadinović, „Family Structures and Civil Society Perspectives in Present-day Serbia“, in: Paul Ginsborg, Ton Nijhuis and Juergen Nautz eds., The Golden Chain: Family, Civil Society and the State,Berghahn Publishers: Oxford and New York, 2011.
  8. D. Vujadinović, „Civilno drustvo i politička kultura“, in: Nikola Skledar i Ivana Zagorac (ur), Čovjek i kultura (Man and Culture), Hrvatsko filozofsko drustvo, Zagreb, 2010, pp. 141-156.
  9. D. Vujadinović, „Ethics and Morality in Dworkin`s Political Philosophy“, E-publication, Goethe University ed. Frankfurt 2012, http://publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/home
  10. D. Vujadinović, „Gender Equality in Legal Environment – The Case of Serbia, in: SEELS ed. Legal Perspectives of Gender Equality in SouthEast Europe, Skopje 2012.
  11. D. Vujadinović, Human Rights: A Dworkinian View, in: M. Jovanović and D. Vujadinović (eds.), Identiy, Political and Human Rights Culture as Prerequisities of Constitutional Democracy, Eleven International Publishing, Hague, Netherlands, 2013.
  12. D. Vujadinović, „European Constitutional Patriotism“, in: A. Dupeyrix&G.Raulet (eds.), European Constitutionalism – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Euroclio 83, P.I.E.. Peter Lang, Brussells 2014.
  13. D. Vujadinović, Evropski ustavni patriotizam – smisao, izazovi, perspektive“, in: Identity Issue, Montenegrin Academy of Science Publication, Podgorica 2015.
  14. D. Vujadinovic, „On European Identity“, in: L. Veljak ur. Znanost, filozofija i suvremenost, Zagreb 2015.
  15. D. Vujadinović, „The Construction Process of European Identity – Multicultural Challenges“,Evropska unija in vrednote« (The European Union and Values)in: J. Juhant/M. pevec Rozman (eds.), Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Znanstvena knjižnica TEOFLjubljana 2016, 37-70.
  17. D. Vujadinovic, Causes of the Current Crisis and Ways Out – Seen through the Lens of the European Social Model, in. H. Brunkhorst, D. Vujadinovic and T. Marinkovic (eds.), European Democracy in Crisis, Eleven International Publishing, Hague, Netherlands, 2018.
  18. D. Vujadinovic and A. Jovanovic, Multicultural Challenges for Democratic Order, in: S. Kraljic&J. Klojcnik (eds.), From Individual to the European Integration. Discussion on the Future of the EU: Liber Amicorum for Silvo Devetak, University of Maribor Press, Maribor 2018.
  19. D. Vujadinović, Feminist Reconsideration of Political Theories, in D. Vujadinović et al. (eds.) Feminist Approaches to Law – Theoretical and Historical Insights, Springer 2023.
  20. D. Vujadinović, Theoretical Framework for Considering an Intersectional Discrimination of Women and Girls with Disabilitie, in: Lj. Kovačević et. al. (eds), Intersectional Discrimination of Women and Girls with Disabilities and Means of their Empowerment, FL, Belgrade 2022.
  21. Co-editor with Lj. Kovačević, Preface, Intersectional Discrimination of Women and Girls with Disabilities and Means of Their Empowerement, Belgrade 2022.
  22. D. Vujadinović et. al. Introduction, D. Vujadinović et. al. (eds.), Gender Competent Legal Knowledge, Springer 2023.
  23. Co-author with I. Krstić, “Preface” for Book I, Book II, Book III and Book IV Springer book series GENDER PERSPECTIVES IN LAW.


  1. D. Vujadinovic, „Democratic Deficits in the Western Balkans and Perspectives on the European Integration“,Journal for Institutional Inovation, Development and TransitionJIIDT, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Vol. 8, 2004, , pp. 4-23, www.sigov.si/zmar/aindex.php
  2. D. Vujadinović, Review: Hauke Brunkhorst, On Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to Global Legal Community, in: Croatian Journal of Philosophy, Vol V, No 14, 2005, 383-386.
  3. D. Vujadinovic, „Philosophical Foundations of Dworkin`s Theory of Justice“, in: Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade, 2008.
  4. D. Vujadinović, „Civil Society and Political Culture“, Filozofska istrazivanja, Zagreb, Croatia, Vol. 28, no. 1, 2008, pp. 21-33.
  5. D. Vujadinović, „Global Civil Society“, in: Synthesis Philosophica, Zagreb, Croatia, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2009, pp. 79-99.
  6. D. Vujadinović, „On European Identity“, in: Synthesis Philosophica, Zagreb, Croatia, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2011, pp. 117-132.
  7. D. Vujadinovic, Ronald Dworkin – Theory of Justice, European Scientific Journal, Skopje 2011.
  8. D. Vujadinović, Review, R. Dworkin, Justice for Hedgehogs, Cambridge University Press, 2011, in: The Annals of the Faculty of Law, Year LIX, 2012.
  9. D. Vujadinović, European Civil Society – Its Concept and Actual Appearances”, in: Savic, O. Ed. Belgrade Journal of Media and Communications, Special Volume: Ultimate European. Crisis (I), Vol. II, No. 3/2013.
  10. D. Vujadinovic, „On Machiavelli s Republican Political Theory“, in: Philosophy and Social Criticism, U.S.A., Vol. 40, No. 1, 2014, pp. 43-68.
  11. D. Vujadinovic, In Memoriam – Ronald Dworkin, Synthesis Philosophica, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, 2014.
  12. D. Vujadinović, Gender Mainstreaming in Law and Legal Education, Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade – Belgrade Law Review, Year LXIII. 2015, no.4.
  13. D. Vujadinović and N. Petrušić, Gender Mainstreaming in Legal Education in Serbia – Pilot Analysis of Curricula and Textbooks, Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade – Belgrade Law Review, Year LXV. 2017, no.4.
  14. D. Vujadinović, The Widening Gap Between Proclaimed Gender Equality and Real State of Affairs in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic, Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade – Belgrade Law Review, Year LXX. 2022.
  15. Z. Saeidzadeh, B. Čučković, D. Vujadinović, Clinical Legal Education for Gender Justice in Europe, International Journal for Clinical Legal Education, 2023.
  1. D. Vujadinović, Theoretical-Methodological Premises of the Feminist Perspective, Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, 2023
  2. D. Vujadinović and A. Zaharijević, Gender Justice: Reassessing Theories of Justice from Feminist Perspectives, in. N. Lacey et. All. Reassessing Feminist Legal Theories, Springer (book series), 2024.
  3. Feminist Reconsideration of Plato’s and Aristotle’s Theories of Justice, Pravni zapisi, 2024.


  1. „Svakodnevni život i civilno društvo“ (Everyday Life and Civil Society), in: V. Pavlović (ed.), Potisnuto civilno društvo (Surpressed Civil Society), Beograd 1996.
  2. „Dvorkinova koncepcija o moralnim osnovama liberalizma“ (Dworkin`s Conception of Moral Basis of Liberalism), u: Teorija, filozofija i sociologija prava u savremenom svetu – Dileme i problemi (Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of law in Contemporary World – Dilemmas and Problems), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 1998.
  3. „Demokratska kultura protesta“ (Democratic Culture of Protests), u: Duh vedrine – Kultura protesta i protest u kulturi (Culture of Protests and Protests in Culture), Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 1999.
  4. „Prepreke i perspektive razvoja civilnog društva u Srbiji/Jugoslaviji“ (Obstacles and Perspectives of the Development of Civil Society in Serbia/Yugoslavia), u: Revolucija i poredak – O dinamici promena u Srbiji(Revolution and Order – On the Dynamics of Changes in Serbia), (ed.), Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd 2001.
  5. „Ronald Dvorkin – Smisao objektivnog važenja vrednosnih sudova u moralu i pravu“ (Ronald dworkin – Sense of Objective Validity of value Statemsnts in Morality and Law), Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2003.
  6. Predgovor za knjigu Slobodanke Nedović, Savremeni feminizam: Položaj i uloga žene u porodici i društvu (Review introduction to the book of S. Nedovic, Contemporary feminism: Status and role of women in the family and Society) , 2005.
  7. „Princip jednakosti u političkoj filozofiji Ronalda Dvorkina“ (Principle of Equality in Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin), Nova srpska politička misao (NSPM), 2005.
  8. „Feministička kritika socijalne politike države blagostanja“ (Feminist Critique of Social Policy of the Welfare State), u V. Goati i V. Vukotić eds. Država i biznis, Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd, 2006. pp. 274-280.
  9. „Tranzicijski procesi, politička kultura i civilno društvo“ (Transitional processes, Political Culture and Civil Society), in: S. Mihailović ed. Pet godina tranzicije u Srbiji II, Socijalidemokratski klub i Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2006. pp. 178-199.
  10. „Everyday Life, Political Culture and Civil Society – Comparative approach (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia)“, in: Razvoj pravnog sistema Srbije i harmonizacija s pravom EU, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2006.
  11. „Srbija i Evropska Unija“ (Serbia and EU), in: S. Lilić ed. Pravni kapacitet Srbije za evropske integracije, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2006.
  12. „Cicernovo shvatanje političkih vrlina“ (Cicero`s Understanding of Political Virtues), Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2007, pp. 100-120.
  13. „Prepreke na putu integracije Srbije u Evropsku Uniju“ (Obstacles in front of Serbia in the Accession process to EU), in: S. Lilić ur. Pravni kapacitet Srbije za evropske integracije, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2007.
  14. „Civilno društvo i politička kultura“ (Civil Society and Political Culture), Filozofska istraživanja, 2008.
  15. “Srbija na prekretnici strateških opredeljenja – Pobeda proevropske i proreformske opcije?” (Serbia on the Crossroad of Strategic orientation – Victory of pro-European and Pro- reformist Option?), in: S. Lilić ed. Pravni kapacitet Srbije za evropske integracij – knjiga III, 2008.
  16. „Šta je racionalni nacionalni i državni interes moderne Srbije?“ (What is Rational National and State Interest of the Modern Serbia?), Introductory text in: D. Vujadinović, V. Goati eds. Između autoritarizma i demokratije, Knjiga III – Nacionalni i državni interes moderne Srbije, CEDET i FES, Beograd 2007, pp. 9-29.
  17. „Deklaracija o pomirenju SPS I DS i perspektive evropskih integracija Srbije“ (Declaration of Reconciliation Between SPS and DS and Perspectives of Serbian European Integration), in: S. Lilić ed. Pravni kapacitet Srbije za Evropeske integracije – Vol. II, Beograd 2009.
  18. „Evropski identitet“ (European Identity), in. S. Lilić (ed): Pravni kapaciteti Srbije za evropske integracije, knjiga V, Pravni fakultet, 2010.
  19. „Srbija u potrazi za evropskim identitetom“ (Serbia in Search for European Identity), in: S. Lilić (ur), Perspektiva implementacije evropskih standarda u pravnom sistemu u Srbiji, Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2011.
  20. „Evropski politički identitet i Srbija“ (european Political Identity and Serbia), in: M. Podunavac, Ustav i demokratija u procesu tranzicije, Beograd 2011.
  21. „Makijaveli – Republikanski politički teoretičar, a ne makijavelista“ (Machiavelli – Republican Political Theoritian, and not „Machiavellist“), in: S. Taboroši, Razvoj pravnog sistema Srbije i harmonizacija s pravom EU, Beograd 2011.
  22. „Perspektive rodne ravnopravnosti u sferi prava – slučaj Srbije“ (Perspectives of Gender Equality in the Sphere of Law – Case of Serbia), in: S. Lilić (ur), Perspektiva implementacije evropskih standarda u pravnom sistemu u Srbiji, Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2012.
  23. Prikaz knjige, Z. Mršević, Ka demokratskom društvu – rodna ravnopravnost (review of the book Z. Mršević, Towards Democratic Society – Gender Equality), Beograd 2011, u: Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, Godina LX, br. 1, 2012..
  24. „Feministička perspektiva u sociologiji u Srbiji – Doprinosi Marine Blagojević, Slobodanke Nedović, Žarane Papić i Anđelke Milić“ (Feminist Perspective in Sociology in Serbia), Sociološki pregled, god. XLVI (2012), br. 3-4 (Posebno izdanje), 2012, 819-854.
  25. “Rod i pravna regulativa” (Gender and Legal Regulation), u: Lilić, S. (ed), Perspektiva implementacije evropskih standarda u pravnom sistemu u Srbiji, Pravni fakultet, Beograd 2013.
  26. „Makijavelijeva republikanska politička teorija“ (Machiavelli`s Republican Political Theory), Politikon, Časopis za istraživanje fenomena politike, Vojvođanska politikološka asocijacija, Novi Sad 4/2013.
  27. „Evropski ustavni patriotizam – između ideala i izazova“ (European Constitutional Patriotism – Between Ideals and Reality), u: Lilić, S. (ed), Pravni kapaciteti Srbije za evropske integracije, Pravni fakultet, 2014.
  28. „Dometi i ograničenja Dvorkinove političke filozofije“ (Achievements and Limits of Dworkin`s Political Philosophy), u: B. Đorđević i M. Zdravković (eds), Nasleđe političke i pravne filozofije Ronalda Dvorkina, Beograd 2015.
  29. „Uzroci krize i putevi njenog prevazilaženja sagledani iz perspektive evropskog socijalnog modela “ (Causes of the Crisis Viwed Upon the European Social Model Perspective), in: Lilić, S. (ed), Pravni kapaciteti Srbije za evropske integracije, Pravni fakultet, 2015.
  30. D. Vujadinović, „Teorijsko-metodološki okvir za razumevanje rodnih odnosa – slučaj Srbije“ (Theoretical-Methodological Framework for Understanding the Gender Issue), u: S. Lilić ur. Pravni kapaciteti Srbije za evropske integracije, Univerzitet u Beogradu -Pravni fakultet u Beogradu, Beograd 2016, 99-111.
  31. D. Vujadinović i V. Stanimirović, „Rodni odnosi u Srbiji u doba tranzicije – Između repatrijarhalizacije i emancipacije“ (Gender Relations in Serbia in Transitional Period – Between Re-traditionalization and Emacipation), u: G. Dajević i B. Vranić ur., Demokratska tranzicija Srbije – (re)kapitulacija prvih 20 godina, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Pravni fakultet (biblioteka Zbornici), Beograd 2016, 189-215.
  32. D. Vujadinović i N. Petrušić, Uvođenje rodne perspektive u pravničko obrazovanje – pilot analiza studijskih programa i udžbenika (Introducing of Gender Perspective in Legal Education – Pilot Analysis of Study Programs), u: S. Lilić ur. Pravni kapaciteti Srbije za evropske integracije, Pravni fakultet u Beogradu, Beograd 2017.
  33. D. Vujadinović i V. Stanimirović, „Patrijarhat i položaj žena u Starom veku“ (Patriarchz and Staus of Women in Ancient Epoche), u: S. Lilić ur. Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije – knjiga 8, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2018.
  34. Nevena Petrušić i D. Vujadinović, „Od rodno slepog ka rodno inkluzivnom visokom obrazovanju u Srbiji: akcioni planovi za urodnjavanje“ (From Gender Blind to Gender Inclusive Higher Education in Serbia – Action Plans for Gender Mainstreaming), Časopis Sociologija, Vol. LX, No 1, Beograd mart 2018, 313-329.
  35. Predgovor (D.Vujadinović, Z. Antonijević), Rodna ravnopravnost u visokom obrazovanju – feministički izazovi za 21. vek (Gender Equality in Higher Education / Feminist Challenge for 21st Century), u: D. Vujadinović i Z. Antonijević (ed.), Rodna ravnopravnost u visokom obrazovanju: pojmovi, prakse i izazovi, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad 2019.
  36. D. Vujadinović, N. Petrušić, Neophodnost urodnjavanja studijskih programa prava i pravničkih predmeta (Necessity of Gender Mainstreaming of Study Programs of Law and Legal Subjects), u: D. Vujadinović i Z. Antonijević (ur.), Rodna ravnopravnost u visokom obrazovanju: pojmovi, prakse i izazovi, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad 2019.
  37. D. Vujadinović, LJ. Kovačević, T. Marinković, Dragica Vujadinović, Tanasije Marinković, Ljubinka Kovačević, Postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (Achievement of Gender Equality at faculty of Law University of Belgrade), u: D. Vujadinović i Z. Antonijević (ur.), Rodna ravnopravnost u visokom obrazovanju: pojmovi, prakse i izazovi, Akademska knjiga, Novi Sad 2019.
  38. D. Vujadinović, Neoliberalizam i država blagostanja – suprotstavljene strategije društvenog razvoja i tumačenja globalne krize (Neoliberalism and Welfare State – Two Counter-posed Strategies of Social Development and of Interpreting the Global Crisiss), u: S. Lilić ur. Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije, Beograd 2019.


  1. R. Dvorkin, „Objektivnost i istina: Bolje bi bilo da verujete“, Nova srpska politička misao, 2006, 255-303. (R. Dworkin, ‘Objectivity and Truth – You’d Better Believe It’, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 25, No 2 , Spring 1996).


1. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, 2010, topic of presentation: „republicanism“.

2. Association of Philosophy of Croatia, Cres, September 2010, Topic of presentation: „Global Civil Society“.

3. World Congress of the International Association for the Constitutional Law, Mexico City,

December 2011, topic of presentation: „Constitutions of Transitional Countries“.

4. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, April 2011, topic of presentation: „Machiavelli`s Political Philosophy“.

5. Association of Philosophy of Croatia, Cres, September 2011, topic of presentation: „Political Culture and Transition“.

6. IVR – XXV World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Frankfurt, Germany, 2011. Topic of presentation: Dworkin`s Political Philosophy“.

7. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, April 2012, topic of presentation: „Ethics and Moralitz in Dworkin`s Political Philosophy“.

8. Association of Philosophy of Croatia, Cres, September 2012, topic of presentation: „On European Identity“.

9. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, April 2013, topic of presentation: „European Constitutional Patriotism“.

10. XXVI World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 2013. Topic of presentation: „Dworkin`s Political and Legal Thought“.

11. Association of Philosophy of Croatia, Cres, September 2013, topic of presentation: „European Identity“.

12. Faculty of Political Sciences Belgrade University, Annual meeting, Septembar 2013. Topic of presentation: „Conception of National and European Identity“.

13. Serbian Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, November 2013 co-organizer of the conferece: Political and Human Rights Culture as Prerequisites of Constitutional Democracy, Beograd, November 2013. Topic of presentation: „Ronald Dworkin`s Conception of Human Rights“.

14. Introductory notes for the public promotion of the book of Marina Blagojević, Rethinking Transnational Men: Beyond, Between and Within Nations, Institute for Sociological Investigation, Sociological Club, February 2014.

15. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, Topic of Presentation: „“European Civil Society“, Dubrovnik, April 2014.

16. FES International Conference: Parliaments and Civil Society in South EastEurope: partners or adversaries?, Cavtat, Croatia, April 25 to 27, 2014. godine. Plenarz speech with the theme: “Civil Society and Politics in SEE – Alliances or Enemies”.

17. The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin, McMaster University, Burlington, Canada, July 2014. Topic of presentation: “The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin“, topic of presentation: “Achievements and Limits of Dworkin`s Political Philosophy“, May 30 to June 1, 2014.

18. World Congress of the International Association for the Constitutional Law , Oslo, June 2014. Topic of presentation: „European Constitutional Patriotism“.

19. International conference held at the Faculty of Law, „Fundamental Rights –Justification and Interpretation“, October 24,25, 2014, coordinator of the session: „Legal status and fundamental rights“.

20. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, topic of presentation: “European Crisis and Social Protests“, Dubrovnik, April 2015.

21. IVR – XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Washington, U.S.A. July, 2015. Special Workshop leader: “ Rawls and Dworkin on Public Reason“, topic of presentation: „John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin on Public Reason – Domestically and Internationally“.

22. Faculty of Political Sciences Belgrade University, Annual meeting, Septembar 2015. Topic of presentation: „Causes of the Current Crisis and Ways Out“.

23. Conference Work in Progress of the Serbian Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Novi Sad, June 2015, reviewing text of D. Vuković, „Zarobljavanje države i zarobljavanje resursa: elita, srednji slojevi i država“.

24. Conference „Democratic Transition of Serbia – Recapitulation of the first 15(25) years“, Zrenjanin, November 2015, coordinator of the session: “ Neoliberalism and Social-Democracy“.

25. International Conference: „Gender Mainstreaming and Human Rights Mainstreaming in the Higher Education of Belarus, Belarus, Minsk, Faculty of Economics and Law, October 29 to November 1, 2015, visiting lecturer/expert.

26. Faculty representative at the annual meeting of the Rotterdam Network of Legal Education, Konstanz, Germany, April 8 to 10, 2016.

27. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, Topic of Presentation: „European Crisis and Multicultural Challenges“, Dubrovnik, April 2016.

28. International conference „Beyond the Crisis“, Europa-Universitat, Flensburg, Germany May 19 to 21, 2016. godine. Coordinator of the session IV: „Models of transnational constitutions“.

29. Second Work in Progress conference of the Serbian association for Philosophy of Law and social Philosophy, June 11, 2016, topic of critical reviewing: „Current Multicultural Challenges“.

30. International conference „Gender Equality on Research and Academia“, Paris, September 28, 2016. (GenderTime International project).

31. International conference „SCHIFT GEAR – Mainstreaming Gender into Academia and Research“, Brussels, October 20, 2016.

32. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, Topic of Presentation: Multicultural Challenges for the Democratic Order, Dubrovnik, April 2017.

33. International conference, Rotterdam Network of Legal Education, Rotterdam, April 10-13, 2017.

34. International conference, ICONs Conference COURTS, POWER, PUBLIC LAW, Topic of Presentation: Causes of the Current EU Crisis and Ways Out -Viewed Upon Seen the Welfare Lens, Kopenhagen, July 5-7, 2017.

35. International conference GENDER EQUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION – INTERNATIONAL GOOD PRACTICES AND LOCAL CONTEXTS, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. Coordinator of the conference and presenter of the topic: Gender Mainstreaming in legal education in Serbia – Pilot Analyisis of Curricula and Textbooks, October 20, 2017.

36. ICON’s – International Association of Public Law, annual conference, Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenges for Public Law, Hong Kong July 25-27, 2018

37. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, Topic of Presentation: From Ancient theory of natural law to the contemporary theory of human rights, April 2019.

38. Serbian Academy of Science, OBRAZOVANJE ZA RODNU RAVNOPRAVNOST NA UNIVERZITETIMA – primer studija prava (Education for Gender Equality in Higher education – Case of Legal Studies), June 2019.

39. ICONs – The International Association of Public Law, Annual conference Santiago de Chile, July 2019, presentation: Neoliberalism vs. Welfare State

40. IVR – International Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, annual conference Luzern July 2019, presentation: Gender Sensitive Legal Education – Sense and Content.

41. Study Visit related to gender mainstreaming in Higher Education, Berlin, Humboldt University and Free University, Oktobar 20-23, 2019.

42. Kick of Meeting of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Network, Academic network supporting EU policies towards Western Balkans with emphasis on regional cooperation based on reconciliation – – November 28-29, 2019.

43. Rectorate of the University of Belgrade, conference In Search for better education, presentation: gender Action Plan for Introducing Gender Equaluty at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade, November 2019.

44. Kick Off meeting for the project – New Quality in Education for Gender Equality – Strategic Partnership for the Development of Master`s Study program LAW AND GENDER LAWGEM , Head of the project and the chair of the conference, Belgrade Faculty of Law, December 12 to 15, 2019.

45. Initiator and Chair of the Online conference Gender Competent Legal Knowledge, held on May 25, 2020, avauilable at lawgem.ius.bg.ac.rs

46. Chair of the online conference devoted to the new book of John Keane, New Despotism, Harvard University Press, 2020. Online conference, June 25, 2020.

47. Chair of two online plenary sessions devoted to the LAWGEM project work on the CURRICULUM for master`s study program LAW AND GENDER, held on October 30, 2020 and November 6, 2020. Available at lawgem.ius.bg.ac.rs

48. LAWGEM conference, Saarland U, March 2021. Participation as the Coodrinator of the LAWGEM project.

49. LAWGEM conference, Cadiz u, July 2021. Participation as the Coodrinator of the LAWGEM project.

50. LAWGEM conference Gender (In)Equality of Persons with Disabilities, UB, September 20, 2021. Initiator and the Chair of the conference.

51. LAWGEM conference, Gender Equality Legal Clinic, Orebro U, Sweden, 16-18 May 2022.

52. LAWGEM conference Feminist Legacy in Legal Theory and Practice, Faculty of Law, UB, June 29 ‚ Jule 2, 2022.

53. LAWGEM conference Gendering Law; Challenges and Perspectives, LUMSA University, Italy, October 2 to 7, 2022.

54. Conference IVR Serbia – Work in Progress, critical analzsis of D. Vujadinović, Feminist Reconsideration of Political Theories, June 2022.

55. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Mainstream Political Theories Reconsidered from the Critical Feminist Point of View, May 2023.

56. IVR Serbia – Work in Progress conference, discussion on the chapter D. Vujadinović, Theoretical-Methodological Premises of a Feminist Perspectives, 1 September 2023.

57. Inter-University center Dubrovnik, Social Philosophy, presentation: Gender Justice, May 2024.

58. IVR World Congress, Seoul, July 2024.


1. Jean Monnet Project, Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, Topic: „On European Identity“, May 2014.

2. „Gender Mainstreaming and Human Rights Mainstreaming in the Higher Education of Belarus, Minsk, Faculty of Economics and Law, October 29 to November 1, 2015.

3. Jean Monnet Project, Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, Topic: „Building process of European Identity“, May 2015.

4. Erasmus Plus exchange/mobility, visiting lectures at LUMSA Faculty of Law, Palermo, „Multiculturalism and Immigrations“ and „European Identity ‘ Sense and Challenges“.

5. Jean Monnet Project, Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, Topic: „Constructing European Identity and Multicultural Challenges“, May 2016 .

6. Jean Monnet Project, Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, Topic: „Constructing European Identity and Multicultural Challenges“, May 2017

7. Jean Monnet Project, Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, Topic: „Constructing European Identity and Multicultural Challenges“, May 2018.

8. Jean Monnet Project, Faculty of Theology Ljubljana, Topic: „Constructing European Identity, Crisis of European Identity, Multicultural Challenges“, May 2019.

Učešće na naučnim projektima

Članstvo u stručnim i naučnim udruženjima, organizacijama, telima

Nagrade i priznanja


Detaljna biografija

Dragica Vujadinović is full professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, teaching Political and Legal Theories and Gender Studies in undergraduate studies, and Introduction into the EU Political System in the Masters in European Integration (MEI) program. She is the Head of MEI. She was the coordinator of University of Belgrade for the Erasmus Mundus project for the development of Master`s Study Program Law and Gender – LAWGEM, lawgem.ius.bg.ac.rs (2019-2029). The consortium universities were LUMSA, Saarland, Cadiz and Orebro. LAWGEM project was evaluated by the EC evaluator with 95 of 100 points, and as the good example project. She was also the coordinator for University of Belgrade for the UniSAFE project (2019-2022), which has been related to combatting gender-based violence in academia. She is the member of the Faculty of Law team for the project Building Gender Equality through Gender Budgeting for Institutional Transformation – BUDGET IT (2022-2025). She is the contact person within the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade (UB) team for the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures project (EMDM) (2023-2024, 15 months), which Orebro U gained together with UB and LUMSA U, for preparing the future joint master program and for applzing for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) – Law, Gender, Intersectionality and Diversity (LAWGID).

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